Saturday, February 13, 2021

Control All Your Home Appliances with voice on Google Assistant

So, when I use google assistant to control light of my home by saying Ok google, turn the light ON or OFF. Then IFTTT interpret the message and can send it to Adafruit’s dashboard as a understandable command to the created feed. To make a connection between the Adafruit IO and google assistant for voice control, we need a platform called, IFTTT . As discussed earlier, this platform allows countless platforms and different services to trigger actions or control signals to manipulate other services. Or you could create a bedtime routine that dims the lights and plays soothing music to help you relax before sleep. If you’re looking for a convenient way to control all of your smart devices in one place, then Google Home is definitely worth considering.

how to control home appliances using google assistant

Google assistant is AI based voice command service. Using voice, we can interact with google assistant and it can search on the internet, schedule events, set alarms, control appliances, etc. This service is available on smartphones and Google Home devices.

Google Assistant, Blynk, IoT based Home Automation

Once this is done, they can link their compatible smart devices to their Google account. To issue commands, users simply need to say “Ok Google” followed by a command such as “turn on the lights” or “set the temperature to 72 degrees”. In addition to controlling individual devices, users can also create routines which allow them to control multiple devices with a single command.

how to control home appliances using google assistant

However, you can choose to write any phrases you like, something “switch on light one” or “switch on bedroom light“. Write what you will want google assistant to say when you command it with a trigger ( I chose “Ok boss turning on relay one” ). Arduino serial monitor connected to adafruit ioNow, open your adafruit dashboard and flip the toggle switch on and off while watching your serial monitor. You should see “Relay1 to Relay4” toggling from 0 to 1 in response to a switch state change on the adafruit dashboard. The code is pretty forward, with few modifications you will be able to control your appliance with google voice assistant app from your android phone.

How to Control Lights With Google Home

1 text for button and then click on create. This will create toggle button on your dashboard which can be used to control things remotely. This dashboard is a user interface to control things remotely.

In this IoT project, I have shown how to control home appliances from Google Assistant by connecting the Google Assistant with Blynk App using the IFTTT. With this IoT based project, we can control the relay module from the smartphone using Blynk or Google Assistant. Here, I used NodeMCU to read data from Adafruit server and act accordingly. 60 W bulb connected to NodeMCU via relay for controlling it voice command using google assistant. That’s it for this article, but as we said, Google will be adding support for a wider selection of devices in due time. The smart home possibilities, at least when it comes to controlling your home with voice commands, are endless.

Oven Status “Hey Google...”

Thus, I have created 4 applets to control 2-channel relay module from google assistant. You can create multiple applets as per the requirement. What does it take to start your day with a cup of delicious coffee and preheated oven for your croissants?

Now, select “Say a simple phrase” as a specific trigger. For more detailed instructions on how to use voice commands to control your Philips Hue lights, check out this support article from Philips. Now you know how to control lights with Google Home using theGoogle Home app andtheGoogle Assistant. Google Home support is available on select Whirlpool® smart appliances when set to Remote Enable.

Service & Support

In some cases, if you are unable to connect to the assistant, you can also use the Google messaging app which includes the Google Assistant. That’s it, you have a complete IFTTT applet linked to both Google Assistant and Adafruit IO. Now, in your IFTTT platform, you should now see two applets. One for turning on and the other for turning off. You will be prompted with a new list of fields to fill in. This includes variations of the trigger phrase and the Google Assistant’s response as well as the language.

how to control home appliances using google assistant

If the NodeMCU is connected with the WiFi, then you can control the home appliances from Google Home App and also from the manual switches. Don’t have the money to outfit your entire home with smart technology? Want to turn that vintage lamp you absolutely adore into a connected, smart device?

thought on “Control Home Appliances Using Google Assistant”

With a smart garage door opener, you can open and close your garage from your smartphone and monitor its status even when you’re away from home. With a smart lock, you can issue “keys” to guests, friends, or family, and even unlock the door from afar. Explore other Google Assistant actions you can use to control things around your home with just your voice. This is an another way to control light bulb i.e; to make light bulb ON/OFF by your Google Voice Assistant.

Google Home works with a number of different brands and products, so you should be able to find something that fits your needs. Once you have some compatible devices, you’ll need to connect them to your Google Home. If you want to control your home with your voice, Google Assistant is a great option.

Controlling Home Appliances using IOT with Google Assistant

On the next screen, give the block a title. Adding a blockIn this project, I used the toggle switch as seen from the image below. After creating the new dashboard, click on it and you should be redirected to a blank page where you can create your blocks.

how to control home appliances using google assistant

If you've set up a speaker or display in the Google Home app, you can use voice commands to control your linked smart device. You can control over 50,000 smart home devices including TVs, lights, appliances, plugs, thermostats, and more when you add them to the Google Home app. To get started, you'll first need to set up your device in the Google Home app. After they're set up, check that they've been synced. Once your Philips Hue account is connected, you can start controlling your lights with voice commands! Just say “Ok Google” or “Hey Google” followed by a command like “Turn on/off .” You can also dim or brighten lights, change their color, or set a schedule.

Control smart home devices added to the Google Home app

Google Home works with a number of different brands and products, so you should be able to find something that fits your needs. Once you have some compatible devices, you’ll need to connect them to your Google Home. If you want to control your home with your voice, Google Assistant is a great option.

how to control home appliances using google assistant

With a smart garage door opener, you can open and close your garage from your smartphone and monitor its status even when you’re away from home. With a smart lock, you can issue “keys” to guests, friends, or family, and even unlock the door from afar. Explore other Google Assistant actions you can use to control things around your home with just your voice. This is an another way to control light bulb i.e; to make light bulb ON/OFF by your Google Voice Assistant.

Oven Commands “Hey Google...”

Google Assistant is a voice controlled assistant that allows users to perform various actions on their devices, including controlling home appliances. Google Assistant uses Natural Language Processing to interpret user requests and then executes the desired action. To control a home appliance with Google Assistant, users first need to enable the “Home Control” feature in the Google Home app. Google Assistant will display a linking page to connect your Whirlpool connected appliance user account with Google Home.

Thus, I have created 4 applets to control 2-channel relay module from google assistant. You can create multiple applets as per the requirement. What does it take to start your day with a cup of delicious coffee and preheated oven for your croissants?

What is MQTT?

After selecting all the Parameters for PCB click on SAVE TO CART button. Click on the "Add your Gerber file" button. Then browse and select the Gerber file you have downloaded. The NodeMCU will check for the WiFi after every 5 seconds. When the WiFi is available, the NodeMCU will automatically connect with the WiFi. You don't need any Echo DOT device for this home automation project.

how to control home appliances using google assistant

If the NodeMCU is connected with the WiFi, then you can control the home appliances from Google Home App and also from the manual switches. Don’t have the money to outfit your entire home with smart technology? Want to turn that vintage lamp you absolutely adore into a connected, smart device?

Google Home Support FAQs, Whirlpool Brand

Since this is your first time on the platform, you will be prompted to connect to Adafruit. Click on the “Connect” button and log in to accept the connection. Connect the NodeMCU to your computer and upload the code. When the upload is successful, switch on your router or phone hotspot and open the Arduino IDE serial monitor. The final code is needed to connect and reconnect as necessary to the Adafruit MQTT server. This snippet was part of the example code provided by Adafruit when you installed the library.

how to control home appliances using google assistant

For example, an applet may send an e-mail message if the user tweets using a hashtag or copy a photo on Facebook to a user's archive if someone tags a user in a photo. After selecting toggle feed, pop-up window appears as shown below. I'm obsessed with smart home tech and channel my obsession into new stories for Consumer Reports. When I'm not writing about products, I spend time either outside hiking and skiing or up in the air in small airplanes. For my latest obsessions, follow me onFacebook andTwitter (@danwroc).

Google Assistant

Google assistant is AI based voice command service. Using voice, we can interact with google assistant and it can search on the internet, schedule events, set alarms, control appliances, etc. This service is available on smartphones and Google Home devices.

how to control home appliances using google assistant

Google Assistant will not notify you that something has completed unless you first ask Google Assistant to ask Whirlpool for the status. For automatic notifications, you can choose for notifications to appear on your mobile device through the Whirlpool® app. Whirlpool will be using the following information we gathered from the external platform you selected to create your account. Here, I have used the free Sinric Pro account, so I can add a maximum of 3 devices for free. Here, the D3 pin should not be connected with GND during the booting process of NodeMCU. I have used a 5V mobile charger to supply the smart relay module.

This allows you to turn your lights on and off on a schedule to give the appearance you’re home, even when you’re not. Internet-ready and cloud data systems allow data “packets” to be transferred over the internet from various platforms. These packets movefrom device to device and essentially drive the entire smart tech industry. You'll need to set up some devices in the manufacturer's app as well as the Google Home app. Make sure you use the correct setup instructions for your device. Can Develop PCBs of various complexity .

how to control home appliances using google assistant

So for that I have used my already made previous project Sonoff. In case you have watched this project and made your own Sonoff, then your hardware & coding portion is completed. Now watch the google assistant majestically reply to you and then send the corresponding data to control your NodeMCU. The code below connects the NodeMCU to your Adafruit IO Account.

Step 4: Controlling Relays Manually With Switches

We’ve been working with device brands around the world to ensure the Assistant works with all the most popular smart home devices. We recently announced support for IKEA lights and Deutsche Telekom’s Magenta hub which enables dozens of devices to be controlled by Google Assistant. Here, I used IFTTT to use google assistant service and Adafruit service in chain.

However, you can choose to write any phrases you like, something “switch on light one” or “switch on bedroom light“. Write what you will want google assistant to say when you command it with a trigger ( I chose “Ok boss turning on relay one” ). Arduino serial monitor connected to adafruit ioNow, open your adafruit dashboard and flip the toggle switch on and off while watching your serial monitor. You should see “Relay1 to Relay4” toggling from 0 to 1 in response to a switch state change on the adafruit dashboard. The code is pretty forward, with few modifications you will be able to control your appliance with google voice assistant app from your android phone.

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